This method have the details about
Grain size (or) Crystal size
Orientation of the crystal
Cold worked, Distorted and Internally stressed crystals
Preferred orientation etc
Methods of Examining and Measuring the condition of Crystal Structure
The Laue back reflection method
The Rotating Crystal method
The DeBye- Scherrer (or) Powder method:
The Laue back Reflection method:
It’s applicable to single crystals (or) poly-Crystalline masses.
When a beam of Mono chromatic (i.e. of Single Wavelength) X-Ray is directed as a narrow pencil at a specimen of a metal diffraction takes place at certain of the crystallographic planes.

The Rotating Crystal method:
It’s a useful method for determining angles and positions of planes.
Crystallographic planes are brought in to reflecting positions by rotating a crystal (Specimen) about one of it’s axis while simultaneously radially it with a beam of mono chromatic x-Rays.
If crystal orientation planes are known, the angles and directions can be calculated.

The DeBye- Scherrer (or) Powder method:
The narrow pencil of monochromatic X-Rays is diffracted from the powder and recorded by the photographic film as a series of lines of varying armature.
By the Bragg Equation:
nλ=2d Sinθ
λ– Wave length of X-ray
d- Spacing of the atomic planes
θ – Angle of reflection